Services and Resources

BPMbC Bible Study

 BPMBC realizes the importance of bible study.We want to get closer to God by getting to know him better. Studying the word of God is transformative. Getting to know God is getting to know His nature and all of His attributes. We also come to understand His plan for each of us.

BPMbC Outreach

BPMC has been instrumental in relief efforts after the devastation of Hurricane Micheal along the Panhandle of Florida. Our Church outreach program provided hot meals and clean clothes to those effected. Remembering the importance of giving to others, whether time, money or energy, is one of the most valuable character traits in the heart of our belivevers. The Bible is filled with verses and examples of people of all ages helping others. It doesn’t matter if you have a lot or a little to give. It’s the heart that matters!

BPMBC Missionary Society

As believers, we are called to actively spread The Gospel of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through His Living Word and undying love, BPMBC Missionary society strives to make a positive difference in the community whether it be our loved ones or strangers. 

Back to school celebration

Our School Ready Supplies program is dedicated to providing K-12 students in need of school supplies with the tools necessary to be successful in the classroom. We provide pre-assembled backpacks filled with essential school supplies.


First General Baptist Convention

The Florida General Baptist Convention, Inc.

has committed 144 years of service to

The Kingdom of God and Humanity